Business Accelerator | 2020
What is ARIES?
Also known as the Applied Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Services – ARIES is a (project supervisor Sayyeda Masood). ARIES brings students and faculty together to solve practical industry problems, providing real-world experience in the process. With a focus on providing solutions that are both practical and cost effective.
The ARIES platform is a sizable initiative, the main challenge they faced at the time was the lack of information architecture within their services.
As a team, we were brought in to assist in organizing the various streams through which entrepreneurs can initiate their journey and expand their vision. All the while going through the appropriate channels.
Amongst ARIES 10+ digital spaces, our main challenge was to create a strategy that would be all inclusive, whilst presenting more relevant information firsthand.
Project Outcomes
- Improvement of content structure.
- Led card sorting workshops and content structure designs for 7 Months.
- Data-driven insights.
UX Designer.
Business Accelerator.
Digital restructuring plan.
After receiving the Project Brief, an initial phase of discovery was conducted, where together with an ARIES representative we were informed of all of their 17 digital spaces, as well as their respective purpose, including branch groups such as ACCEL, ARIC, COE and WIMTACH.
As part of this project, we devised user journeys for corporate entities, and were able to detect several of the potential entry points and causes that may lead startups to seek the assistance of the ARIES team. By leveraging data insights of their clients, we were also able to prioritize the most common streams of companies, and provide them our initial focus.
The main outcome of this project was in the form of a business strategy and recommendation plan, adjustments to their voice an tone guidelines, and flowcharts outlining how users navigate through the sections of the ARIES’s platforms
Upon conclusion, the team at ARIES was able to identify key pain-points, and initiate the transition of their digital spaces into a format more in line with our findings. Which saw an increase in the stream of applicant entrepreneurs by upwards of 20%. And the rate to which applications were redirected fell more than 50%